Player restarts when TV turns on

Why does my Roku® streaming player restart every time I turn on my TV?

Some Roku players including the current generation models listed below can be powered by connecting to an available USB port on your TV.

Note: The USB port on some TV’s may be unable to power a Roku streaming player.

So, why does my Roku streaming player restart every time I turn on my TV?

Roku streaming players that connect to the USB port on your TV will lose power when the television is turned off. Also, depending on your television, many will lose power when the TV goes into standby. This means that your Roku device must “boot-up” every time the TV is turned on. Although this is generally fast, it can be avoided by connecting the Roku device to a wall power outlet. Also, much like “apps” on your smartphone, Roku channels are cached the first time they are launched so they load faster; however, this cache is emptied whenever the Roku device powers down.

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