Browse the movie store

How to use the Movie Store

The Movies & TV Store on your Roku® home screen has moved to the Vudu channel. To access your previously purchased titles and to continue purchasing new movies and TV shows, be sure to download the Vudu channel. Visit the Vudu website to learn how to get started with on your Roku streaming device and how to find movies and TV shows.

What will happen to my titles in the Roku Movie and TV Store library

Your library is available on Vudu. Please use your store login and password directly on Vudu to access your collection.

Is the Vudu channel replacing the Movie and TV Store on Roku

As of November 1, 2022, the Movie and TV stores will be the Vudu channel. The Movie and TV stores were another way to enjoy Vudu. Now you can take advantage of Vudu enhancements, while keeping your current account information.

I do not have the Vudu channel, but I use the Roku Movie and TV Store

You can quickly add the Vudu channel using your Movie and TV store credentials.

What do I need to do if I used the Roku Movie and TV Store

Vudu was Roku’s official Movie and TV store. Just add or use the Vudu channel on Roku using your existing credentials.

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