Renew a subscription

How to resubscribe if a subscription didn't renew

Why didn't my subscription renew?

If your subscription didn't automatically renew, your payment method may have expired and you'll need to update your payment method in your Roku account. If that doesn't work, try contacting your bank or credit card company.

If you have subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, or other streaming services that are not managed or billed through Roku, visit the channel provider's website or contact the service provider directly.

How to resubscribe

Subscriptions purchased directly through Roku can be managed in your Roku account. To resubscribe:

  • If you've unsubscribed recently and you're billing period has not yet ended, or you've subscribed through The Roku Channel, go to Manage your subscriptions in your Roku account to resubscribe
  • If you're no longer being billed and your subscription has ended, go to Manage your subscriptions > Inactive subscriptions > Resubscribe
  • Launch the app and follow the on-screen instructions
  • Find the app in the Streaming Store or in The Roku Channel and select Subscribe, then follow the instructions

Note: If you have subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, or other streaming services that are not managed or billed through Roku, visit the channel provider's website or contact the service provider directly.

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